Bedfordshire Business Excellence Awards
We were delighted to win 1st prize in the category of Training and Development at this year’s Bedfordshire Business Excellence Awards!

Last week we attended the Bedfordshire Business Excellence 2013 Awards and were delighted to pick up the winner’s trophy for Training & Development, as well as runner up in the category of Enterprising Business. Sound training and the development of our staff is a key foundation of our business and is an area that we place a lot of importance upon.
We are also proud of our commendation for Enterprising Business; a lot of changes have occurred over the last year and in particular our exclusive free Life Management Packs have proven to be extremely useful. Our staff benefit from a wider range of courses that broaden their skills in other areas, such as learning more about the practicalities of living with a spinal injury or learning more about family mediation.
We have recently discovered that we have been short listed in the Federation of Small Businesses Buckinghamshire awards for Service Excellence and Enterprising Business so fingers crossed!