About Rebecca
Rebecca joined Osborne Morris & Morgan in September 2023 as a Court of Protection and Personal Injury Trusts Solicitor. Rebecca qualified as a Solicitor in 2021 and has previous experience in Wills, Probate and Court of Protection matters.
Before qualifying as a solicitor, she studied Human Rights Law and gained a master’s degree at Utrecht University in the Netherlands.
Rebecca works on Court of Protection matters including applying for Deputyships and is responsible for the day to day running of Professional Deputyship files for property and financial affairs. This includes making Court of Protection applications for specific issues such as the purchasing of properties and gifting applications. She also works on Personal Injury Trust matters, setting up the Trusts, advising on expenditure, and on the availability of benefits for Trust and Deputyship clients alike. Rebecca regularly deals with Case Managers, Investment Managers, Occupational Therapists, Care Teams, and importantly, the family, friends, and support networks of our clients.
Outside of work, Rebecca enjoys playing netball and travelling- particularly to Spain to keep up her Spanish language skills!
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