fbpx 5 top tips to selling your home this summer - OM&M
Published 27th June 2024 by | Conveyancing

5 top tips to selling your home this summer

The weather we’ve been all been dreaming of is finally here and with it brings many benefits to selling a house this summer.

On average, homes sell for 3 percent more than they do in the winter. But why is this?

Well, of course, there is the opportunity for optimal photos – the light evenings, the flowers are in bloom and everything looks much more appealing in the sunshine! But you also will not need to pack your moving van and lift all those heavy boxes in the cold wind and rain.

Selling your house this summer

So, what are the benefits of a summer sale?

Putting your property on the market during the 6-week summer holidays from July to August is likely to attract families who are already on the market and are looking to hurry things along before school starts in September. Although joining the market at this time may mean you have missed potential buyers who have sorted everything in time for the holidays, it does, however, mean that those who are still looking are more eager and ready to go ASAP.

Whilst the school holidays may sound like the perfect time to move, it is worth remembering that as with any house sale, timings are subject to change. Remember, the average house move, from offer to completion can take between 12 weeks and 16 weeks. This time can also be very busy for removal companies, so it is worth bearing this in mind, too. Even so, getting the children into their new home before the start of term in September can be an inviting prospect for many.

So, if you’re looking to move to a new house this summer, here are some tips to help you sell your property quickly…

Make a good first impression

Tidy up any loose ends around the front of your house. The warmer weather means buyers will be paying closer attention to the exterior of your home, rather than diving out of the wind/rain when they arrive at the property. Ensuring your home looks well maintained can reap excellent benefits. A lick of paint and clean gutters, windows and a front door can give your house a tidy exterior in no time at all. A shiny door number/house name can go a long way too. A well-cared-for home will help when selling your house.

Freshen up the kitchen

It’s true what they say – a kitchen is the heart of your home and so attention to detail here will be worth your while. Making sure your kitchen is clean and presentable may sound like it goes without saying. However, a tired oven or cupboard doors can really devalue a kitchen.

Many people will pay close attention to the quality and size of a kitchen when purchasing a new home. Whilst buying a new kitchen can be costly, there is quick fix for freshening up your kitchen without it breaking the bank. Whether you do it yourself, or go to a specialist, it has become popular to instead purchase new cupboard doors and handles to modernise the space and give your kitchen the new lease of life it needs to make it more appealing.

Let air and light in

Open the blinds, pull the curtains back and leave doors open ajar. Not only does light give the impression of more space in a room, it can also leave your home smelling fresher and cleaner too. Make the most of summer and let the air and light flood into your house. If you own a terraced house, perhaps, with few windows and darker spaces, try tactfully placed mirrors and light-reflecting paint to help give the illusion of a brighter and larger space.

Exercise those green fingers

Jet washing the patio, clearing up any twigs and dead leaves, pruning, and weeding or mowing the lawn are all little, odd jobs that can fall by the wayside in our busy lives. This happens more so over the summer months as it gets hotter. Try to avoid neglecting your garden. If it is going to continue to be a long, hot summer, pop a sprinkler on (if there is no hose pipe ban in place) to get your lawn looking nice and green and inviting. Adding a splash of colour to fences, buildings and furniture can go a long way too. For an easy and low maintenance solution, you may wish to consider “container gardening.”  

Harness a show home interior

A cluttered home is going to give your potential buyers a cluttered opinion. Pack away the children’s toys, keep sides clear and go for décor that is simple, light and fresh. If you are going to redecorate before moving out, for a simple white or magnolia paint. Whilst colours can be nice, you want a buyer to see potential in your home and if you have overcrowded it with your own style, it can be hard for somebody else to see what they can do with the space when/if it becomes their own.

So, there you have it! 5 top tips to help you sell your property in these warmer months.

If you are considering selling your house this summer, we recommend that you obtain a quotation for Conveyancing as soon as possible. This will help you to plan your finances in advance of agreeing property prices and offers. Call our team today on 01525 378177 or email info@ommlaw.co.uk.

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